Blu Ray Monday

August 11, 2008

Dark City, for those who haven’t seen it, is a film which follows the story of John Murdock who is dropped into a city where he has no memories and is being framed for murders he did not commit, as well as being chased by trench coat wearing individuals with supernatural powers. The watcher is thrown into the middle of the story and finds out, along with the characters, exactly what is going on, giving the film an existential tone.  While still holding onto other elements of film noir, psychological thriller, sci fi, and every other label that could be thrown at it, the film keeps the watcher excited and wondering just what will happen next.  Jump the break for full review of Dark City: The Director’s Cut. Read the rest of this entry »

I Knew It — Clone Wars Review

August 11, 2008

Massawryn from Aint it Cool News has reviewed the Clone Wars. There’s really nothing I want to say. It confirms the inevitable, unending bummer that is being a Star Wars fanboy.

Read it and weep here: Clone Wars Review