Oh, Mars Signing Off for the Weekend

November 14, 2008

It’s officially getting cold as the Devil’s handshake in New England.

Next week introduces a new weekly column to RBM, a preview/review by Larz of Harrison’s Comics & Collectibles, the Mecca for all things nerd on the North Shore. Larz actually knows what he’s talking about, so that’ll be a nice change for us. Be sure to check that out every Tuesday.

Smug Columnist Joe Provost will also be back to put us down, or maybe bring us up? Depends how much he drinks.

Robot Chicken Star Wars: Episode II airs Sunday at 11:30 pm. The first one was hilarious so stay up late, pussy. Who am I kidding? I’ll be out cold (see above) by 9:30.

Sorry for my lack of posts lately. There’s a potentially huge thing happening in the near future, so my head is in Cloud City. But fear not, we’ll continue to bring you all of the usual self-deprecation, JPEGs, and entertainment news. Thanks for reading.

XOXO – Oh, Mars

Lucasfilm Poster Archives Super Live Adventure

November 14, 2008


The official Star Wars Blog posted some great photos of rare posters from the Lucasfilm archives, including the above Panasonic ad featuring an extreme Wicket alongside Sparky, a robot designed by Ralph McQuarrie for Panasonic. They’re all pretty sweet and most have to do with promotional tie-ins; you used to get a free Empire Strikes Back poster with every Coca-Cola. There’s also a Japanese ad for something called “The George Lucas Super Live Adventure.” My guess is that people paid 10,000 yen and were brought into George’s office where they could look at him for ten seconds before being herded into the gift shop.

Ruining Movies In Less Than 4 Minutes

November 14, 2008

And I thought I was the only one tired of all these damn re-makes.

Watchmen Trailer, Now With Less Smashing Pumpkins

November 14, 2008

Well, the new trailer for Watchmen dropped on Yahoo last night and before Quantum of Solace, and it’s pretty bad ass. The people who are for this movie are going to need a change of pants, the haters are going to go right on with their groaning. It reveals more of the plot and more dialogue, especially from Rorschach, who unfortunately talks in a gravelly, Christian Bale-ish voice and refers to his colleagues as “Watchmen,” which I don’t recall him doing very much (or at all) in the graphic novel. The clips from the Comedian’s death scene are down-right stunning. Giant Squidalien or no Giant Squidalien, I call success. Yahoo also has the trailer available in a HD download. So watch the Watchmen.

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Criterion Collection Sale; 40 Percent Off DVDs!!!

November 14, 2008


My first DVD ever was a Criterion Collection release, The Beastie Boys Video Anthology, which I actually won from a contest in Rolling Stone in 2000. Since then, I’ve only bought maybe a handful of other Criterion releases: Do the Right Thing, Down by Law, The Long Good Friday, Man Bites Dog, Rushmore. Mainly because the average cost of a Criterion DVD is twice that of a standard release. But cinephiles know you get what you pay for and most would agree that Criterion releases have the best transfer, extras, and packaging. On November 25, Criterion is launching a new website and warehouse, so they’re cleaning house. Head over to their site now and pick up all the Crierions you ever wanted for crazy cheap. Most of the DVDs are now $17.95. My first order of business:


Quantum Of Bullshit

November 14, 2008


O k. Tonight was going to be one awesome night at the cinema. A new Bond film, a new Watchmen trailer, the first Star Trek trailer, and a clip of the new GNR song. What did I get….SHIT!!!! Read the rest of this entry »