Thursday Throwbacks: 5/7/09

May 7, 2009


By Defender & Oh Mars

And then, from the field of the future, a new king will come…to save the past.

Cartoons of yesteryear slay those of today, hands down.  Not only were they expertly created using the stone age technology of hand drawn animation (usually by Japanese slaves), but most of them would shield-bash your face into a brick wall by the sheer kick-assery of the theme song alone.  Others used epic brute force to bully you into total blind devotion every Saturday or Sunday morning, while some just translated into bitchin’ action figures.

I have been holding out for the right time to present this week’s Throwback for many reasons, even though requests for it bombard my sound receptors on an almost daily basis.  For you see today’s pick encompasses everything you loved about old school adventure toons, while placing a modern day team of heroes in Medieval times to boot.  Lace up your Nike brand kleets, adjust your athletic protecting cup while dawning that beat-to-shit full plate armor, and readying your preferred death dealing weapon.  Here to dish out a dose of Dark Age devastation, at long last, comes none other than King Arthur and The Knights of Justice!

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